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Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement!

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement

Topic: Challenges for Enterprise Security Today and Into the Future
Date: December 18, 2014
Location: Towson University

Please join members of the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum and invited guests at the December 18th Forum! This Forum is a combined one including both the CIO Forum and Security Networking Group membership. Security today for our organizations is a persistent and evolving challenge. It seems that anyone can be a target (Target, Home Depot, major banks, government, the Post Office, Nuclear Reactors, and others). In this Forum we will explore the nature of today’s advanced threats and what our organizations need to be aware of and to protect against and respond to the extent practical and possible.

First, Tarun Sondhi a Cyber-Security Product and Business Strategist at Symantec will cover how to protect, detect and respond to today’s advanced threats. Modern day attackers are launching increasingly sophisticated and targeted cyber-attacks that evade traditional signature-based security technologies. Despite having made significant investments in various protection products, security practitioners are left wondering whether their network has been infiltrated, how far the threats have spread and what assets have been compromised. In order to have a chance at keeping intruders out and the organization’s data safe, the security solutions of today must become more proactive, dynamic, and cover more potential risk areas (points of entry) within their businesses. This presentation will cover how today’s Advanced Threat Protection solutions help to minimize the potential business impacts of these advanced attacks by reducing the time it takes to detect and respond to an incident. It will cover the importance of a Computer Security Incident Response Plan (CSIRP) to each of our organizations.

Our second speaker, Chuck Schrock-Leal IT Security Consultant at McCormick will discuss the need for data classification. Data… we must know its values and the risk an impact of a breach, loss or corruption. These are all key factors in “Security Conscious Enablement.” That is, the ability to respond to business and partner requirement as well as to customer wants for speed and flexibility, but in a secure manner. Chuck will review how data can be classified and the role that classification plays in the design of an organization’s security model.

Then Michael DaGrossa, Security and Risk Specialist and VP, Business Risk Services, at Essextec, will take us through the “Anatomy of a Security Breach”. Michael will walk us through a live security breach, illustrating where attackers typically target and key areas of vulnerability. This demonstration, based on real events from actual forensic investigations, will highlight how vulnerable organizations can be to skilled attackers and what assets can be compromised or stolen.

Please join our members with many of their security officers and admins for this full membership meeting (see attached for details)! The meeting starts at 8:00 AM and ends by 1PM. Brunch and lunch are provided. Pre-registration is required. Meeting logistics including agenda, directions to the meeting place and parking information will be emailed to you after you register. To register, please reply to this meeting request or contact Bonnie Lawson at blawson@towson.edu or 410-704-4252.