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Attention Supervisors: INOVA Employee Assistance – Instilling Positivity in Employees & Conversation Guide for Performance Discussions with Employees

Instilling Positivity in Employees

Q: How can supervisors help employees maintain a positive mental attitude?

A: If you have a good working relationship with your employees, you can play a constructive role in influencing their positive mental attitude by blending positivity into your supervision style. Here are some ideas:

  1. When coaching, remind employees of their capacity to achieve so they “buy in” to their own potential.
  2. Encourage employees to embrace personal growth opportunities within the organization and the community.
  3. Encourage employees to take chances and think big when it comes to pursuing their goals.
  4. When crises occur, model calmness, coolness, and a level-headed response.
  5. Encourage employees to develop their passions and find the professional niche that matches their talents and values.
  6. Model hope and optimism when the going gets tough.
  7. Interrupt negative self-talk and reassure your employees that they have what it takes to win, which will reduce their self-doubt.
  8. Encourage employees to “smell the roses” and pursue work-life balance.


Conversation Guide for Performance Discussions with Employees

Q: Can you give me a checklist for counseling employees about their performance to reduce the likelihood that I will leave something out, allowing the employee to manipulate me by saying some element of our discussion was omitted?

A: Try the following checklist:

First, ask the employee how things are going and whether he or she is having any difficulty with assignments. You’ll be surprised at the self-awareness.

Next, discuss your concern and any discrepancy between what you’ve observed and the employee’s self-assessment.

Then, tell the employee exactly what expected outcome or result must be achieved. Discuss specific examples of the performance issue in question and how it can be corrected.

Before ending the meeting, ask your employee whether he or she understands what needs to be accomplished. Failure to make this clarification will lead to a claim that confusion existed at the end of your meeting.

Note: Prior to your meeting, consider your employee’s essential duties and performance standards. Are they reasonable? Clarify and affirm that expectations are reasonable, and advocate or make changes, as needed. Also, don’t forget to make the EAP a key part of your supervisor’s toolbox.

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