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2015 Spring Leadership Conference Call for Programs

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting program proposals for the 2015 Spring Leadership Conference, taking place on March 28, 2015.  Our students look forward to this event as an opportunity to begin their leadership journey and to continue to develop as a student leader while connecting with peers and professionals.

We are currently seeking presenters to share their knowledge and expertise with our students in a 60 minute, interactive and engaging workshop on a leadership topic. A variety of students participate in the conference, and we are looking for workshops that target all levels of the student leader. This year our theme is “Legends of the Hidden Leader”.

Please email Jessie Ufferfilge, {juffer1@students.towson.edu}, with the title of your workshop and a short workshop abstract by December 12, 2014.  Submissions will be reviewed and we will contact you by December 19, 2014.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you in advance for joining us to share your knowledge and experience as a leader with our eager students to help make this another successful Spring Leadership Conference!