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Faculty and Staff Kudos

Dana Phillips (English) presented a paper, “Causal Cascades, Feedback Loops, Knock-On Effects, and Narrating Climate Change,” at a colloquium on ecocriticism at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa.

Diane Scharper (English) reviewed Robert Blair Kaiser’s Inside the Jesuits: How Pope Francis Is Changing the World and the Church in the Nov. 7-20 National Catholic Reporter.

Zosha Stuckey (English) published A Rhetoric of Remnants: Idiots, Half-Wits, and Other State-Sponsored Inventions (SUNY P) in November.

Phyllis Brown (Honors College) completed the Workplace Professional Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for developing the skills of our support staff. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Pat Critzer (Disability Support Services) completed the Workplace Professional Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for developing the skills of our support staff. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Lori Herring (University Admissions) completed the Management & Supervision Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for those new to or interested in moving into a management role. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.