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Faculty and Staff Kudos

Chris Cain’s (English) invited presentation to the “Imagining Medieval English” event of the Medieval Institute of Notre Dame in September was titled “’þaet is on englisc’:  Languages and Linguistic Awareness in Anglo-Saxon England.”

Joe Capista’s (English) poems, “Thaw,” “Ninety-Six,” and “The Choice,” were published in Measure:  A Review of Formal Poetry.

Sarah Gunning (English) presented two tech strategies at a session of CLA’s “Conversations on Teaching and Writing” on October 29:  “Creating Coach Cards and Creating Google Docs” to facilitate class discussion.  Barbara Bass (English) arranges the sessions.

Carol Quinn (English) had two poems published recently.  “Order Out of Chaos” appeared in Florida Review and “My Reykjavik” in Gargoyle.

 Brian Weber (English) presented “Community of Inquiry:  Weaving Cognitive, Social, and Teaching Presence into Online Courses” at the annual conference of the Maryland Consortium for Adjunct Professional Development on October 4.