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Share Your Teaching with Technology Tips in Mini-Videos

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Share Your Teaching with Technology Tips in Mini-Videos

The Interactive Room Subcommittee of the January Conference Committee is seeking short (1-2 minute) videos recorded in Panopto demonstrating how you are using various instructional technologies to engage and connect with students, and enhance student learning.  Faculty from ALL disciplines are encouraged to participate!

Select submissions will run in a continuous loop during the January Conference in the Interactive Room.   All submissions will be archived on the January Conference Blackboard site.

Submission Deadline: November 7, 2014

Instructions and Assistance

How to Create and Submit your Video Using Panopto:

1 . Install the Panopto recorder if you have not done so already

PC: http://goo.gl/Qu4TUr

Mac: http://goo.gl/JxSNEP

2.  Follow the instructions in this guide, starting from Logging In (pg. 1) through Ending a Recording (pg. 5): http://goo.gl/KoR3ke

When you reach page 4 under Recording an Instructional Session, select the Jan_Con: January Conference [drop box] folder as the Course Folder in which to save your presentation.

 Help with Panopto:

OTS Training offers a full complement of training and information: http://www.towson.edu/panopto

Please contact januaryconference@towson.edu if you need assistance.