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Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement 
Topic: Technology and Innovation – 5 “SMART” Technology Trends to Watch    
Date: October 16, 2014
Location: Towson University

Please join members of the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum and invited guests at the October 16 Forum!

Marc Andonian, Ph.D. will begin the meeting with a presentation: “5 SMART Technology Trends to Watch”. Organizations are increasingly focusing time and investment in activities that will drive top line growth, while continuing to deliver efficiencies and automation to control bottom line costs. Technology continues to develop at a fast pace, and new breakthroughs present opportunities for disruption and competitive advantage. Marc will guide us in a discussion of technology innovation and its implications.

Together we will explore 5 “SMART” technology trends and how they are affecting our lives, businesses and futures. We will learn about:
Sensor Networks,
Maker Machines,
Augmented Humans,
Robotics and
Thinking machines
and their potential to revolutionize the way we think about technology and innovation.

Not doing anything with any of these technologies? Then you really need to be a part of this discussion! Why? Because the trends underlying these technologies affect every one of us in increasingly significant ways – and we need to be prepared – organizationally, professionally, and personally! As CIO’s and leaders within our organizations, we need to know more about these trends and their potential, and learn how organizations are thinking about and acting on new technologies and related opportunities. Those in attendance will learn how to evaluate technology trends and how to explore new opportunities for their organizations – to anticipate and prepare for the future!

Following Marc’ presentation, a panel led by Don Taylor and including Marc, Chris Gates CIO at Under Armour, and David Bruner Senior Engineering Manager at Stanley B&D will talk about innovation, technology maturity, and how we help our organizations seize the opportunities to bring new ideas and technologies to the table. We will discover that it is not just these SMART trends, but other trends like the “Nexus of Forces” and the “Internet of Things” that drive us to not only watch but also act, guide, and take our organizations into the future.
Please join our members at the meeting! This is a full membership meeting of the Forum. The meeting starts at 8:00 AM and ends by 1PM. Brunch and lunch are provided. Pre-registration is required. Meeting logistics including agenda, directions to the meeting place and parking information will be emailed to you after you register. For registration for this meeting, please contact: Bonnie Lawson at blawson@towson.edu or 410-704-4252.