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Faculty Kudos

Steven Phillips (History) published “Why Taiwan? ROC Leaders Explain Taiwan’s Strategic Value.” In American’s Strategic Pivot to Asia and Cross-Strait Relations: Economic and Security Dynamics, edited by Peter Chow, 159-177. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2014.

Dorothy “Dee Dee” Race (Office of Institutional Research) earned a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Database Management Systems from Towson University. The certificate covers the study, design and development of database systems and the major issues in managing a large database system.

Sarah Gunning (English) presented her paper, “Identifying How U.S. Nonprofit Organizations Operate Within the Information Process Maturity Model,” at the Association of Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication conference in Colorado Springs on September 28.  Sarah also chaired the “Teaching Contexts” panel at the Conference for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication in Colorado Springs on September 26.

Tim Nelson’s (English) essay on writing runs on Converse College’s website.

Dana Phillips (English) published chapters in two current books.  “Expostulations and Replies” appears in Ecocriticism:  The Essential Reader (Routledge, 2014) and “Excremental Ecocriticism and the Global Sanitation Crisis” in Material Ecocriticism  (Indiana UP, 2014).  Dana also has an article coauthored with eight international scholars, “Mapping Common Ground:  Ecocriticism, Environmental History, and Environmental Humanities,” in Environmental Humanities 5 (2014).

Lana Portolano’s (English) article, “Shun Not the Struggle:  The Language and Culture of Deaf Catholics in the U.S., 1949-1977,” appears in The U.S. Catholic Historian (Fall/Winter 2014).

Diane Scharper (English) reviewed a memoir about surviving domestic abuse, Letting Go into Perfect Love, in The National Catholic Reporter, September 3.

Nikki Austin (Nursing), Wayne Nelson (Interprofessional Health Studies), Judy Breitenbach (Nursing), Kathy Ogle (Nursing), Angela Durry (Nursing), Sheila Green (retired Nursing), Lisa Crabtree (Occupational Therapy & Occupational Science), and Mindy Haluska (Nursing) collaborated as authors on a publication titled “Pediatric mass-casualty education: Experiential learning through university-sponsored disaster simulation,” which appeared in the September issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing.  Their work drew largely on experiences from Operation STAT, the mass casualty drill held on campus at TU in the spring.

Myron Esterson (Auxiliary Services) completed the Leadership Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for those new to or interested in moving into a leadership role. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Sarah Burns Gilchrist (Research & Instruction) presented “Rediscovering Renaissance Research: Information Literacy Strategies for Success” at the 2014 SECAC (Southeast College Arts Conference) in Sarasota, FL on October 9th.

Jeffrey M. Kenton, Assistant Dean, (College of Education), has co-authored, with Barbara Blummer (Ed.D. 2012), a book entitled “Improving student information search: A metacognitive approach”. Published by Chandos Publishing.