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Electrical Maintenance Testing


Electrical maintenance testing and inspection are scheduled for the following Buildings June 16 – June 20.


Monday June 16th 2014, 12:01 am – 7am

CFA top side                       SECU Arena

CFA bottom side              Towson Center

Field House                        Landscape Services


Tuesday June 17th 2014, 12:01 am – 7 am

Union                                    Union Garage/Manhole Verification

General Services              Enrollment Services

Public Safety                      Burdick Hall


Wednesday June 18th 2014, 12:01 am – 7am

Glen Dining                          Hawkins Hall, Psychology, Lecture Hall

Tower B                                Power Plant

Tower C                               Van Bokkelen

This work will be accomplished during off hours from 12:01 am to 6:30 am.  Any Questionsor concerns should be directed to Rick Walsh at   rwalsh@towson.edu