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Faculty Kudos

College of Education

Richard E. Vatz (Department of Instructional Leadership and Professional Development) spoke on his book, The Only Authentic Book of Persuasion, April 4 at the Vice Presidential Panel at the Southern States Communication Convention. On April 24, Dr. Vatz was one of 9 members to participate in the plenary session to address the state of dissent in the Communication discipline at the Eastern Communication Association. At the convention he also presented a seminar on his book, a political rhetoric panel on President Obama’s rhetoric, and several other panels.


College of Liberal Arts

Lena Ampadu (English) presented a paper, “From Bebop to Hip Hop: Zora Neale Hurston and the Black Vernacular Tradition,” at the Northeast MLA conference on April 4 in Harrisburg, PA.

Liz Angeli (English) had a poster presentation, “Using Single-Source Programs in an Online Technical Writing Classroom,” at the CCCC conference on March 20 in Indianapolis, IN. She also won an FDRC (Faculty Development and Research Committee) grant for her proposal, “Dispatched and Responding: Communication Practices in Emergency Medical Services.”

Peter Baker (English) has been named Honors College Professor of the Year.

Jennifer Ballengee (English) won a FDRC grant to support her research project, “The Ruins of Nations: Memory, Performance, and the Construction of National Identity.”

Tara Bynum (English) and Zosha Stuckey (English) were members of a discussion panel, “Social Activism in Academia,” at the Gissendanner Symposium on April 18 in CLA 4310.  Tara was also part of another discussion panel, “The Role of the Black Academic.”

Leslie Harrison (English) has a poem, “[Stutter],” in the May 9 New Republic.

Katie Hearn (English) gave a talk at Towson Spark 6 on April 9, “I-Search Research,” on students’ personal and inductive approaches to writing.

Jennifer Mott-Smith (English) and Bonnie Fuller (Nursing) presented a paper, “Exploring the Educational Challenges of the New Generation of Nurses,” at the TESOL convention in Portland, OR.

Angela Pelster-Wiebe (English) has won a Faculty-Led Study Abroad development grant for an exploratory visit to France.

Carol Quinn’s (English) “Fabula [Tabula] Rasa” was published in the journal 32 Poems.

Susy Sayre (English) presented “Primary Research 101: Helping Freshmen Find Their Inner Scholar” at Towson Spark 6 on April 9, to prep students for university-level research.

Diane Scharper (English) reviewed Jesus, a Pilgrimage by James Martin, S.J. in Encounter, a new online magazine for graduate and undergraduate students.  She also reviewed Robert Stone’s Death of the Black-Haired Girl in the April 21 issue of America, and reviewed Gwen Edelman’s The Train to Warsaw in the May 12 issue of The Weekly Standard.

Bob Valasek’s (English) poem, “Cut and Squeeze,” appeared in the online poetry journal Uppagus. And at Towson Spark 6 he presented “What’s in a Name?” on the importance of knowing students’ names and ways of learning them.


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