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Faculty Kudos

College of Liberal Arts

Andrew Diemer (History) is the author of “The Quaker and the Colonist: Moses Sheppard, Samuel Ford McGill, and Transatlantic Slavery across the Color Line,” in Quakers & Abolition, edited by Brycchan Carey and Geoffrey Plank and published by the University of Illinois Press.

Benjamin Fisher (History) gave a Starr Seminar presentation on “The greatest problem that there is in Scripture: Menasseh ben Israel, Mathematics, and the Authority of the Bible in Early Modern Europe” at Harvard University’s Center for Jewish Studies.


Fisher College of Science & Mathematics

Diana Cheng, Gail Kaplan, R. Michael Krach and Ming Tomayko (Mathematics) received National Security Agency (NSA) grants to conduct a summer mathematics institute. Ming Tomayko and Diana Cheng received a grant as the Numbers and Quantity team, and Gail Kaplan and R. Michael Krach received a grant as the Algebra team. Both grants are for $53,000 to go towards conducting a week-long summer institute for math teachers from in and around the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan area.


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