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Veterans Federal Resume Workshop

The TU Veteran Center is partnering with the Career Center to co-host the Federal Resume and Career Search Workshop for Veterans.  The event will be taking place this Thursday, April 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Vet Center, Psychology Building, Room 107.  During this event, attendees will receive assistance on how to identify strengths and market themselves to federal employers.  They will also benefit from getting a glimpse into the Dependable Strengths peer-assisted career search process.  In addition, attendees will also receive assistance on how to get their resume just right with the help of nationally recognized federal resume expert, Kathryn Troutman.

Free lunch will be provided during the course of the event, which is also being co-sponsored by Stevenson University.  RSVP now under the Career Events tab in Hire@TU and we look forward to seeing you all there!