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Conversations on Teaching and Writing – I-Search or Re-Search

The CLA Writing Center invites you to join us for the next of this semester’s series of conversations about teaching and writing.  These conversations are open to faculty across the university who would like to develop more effective teaching strategies in innovative pedagogy, in teaching writing and in using of writing as a pedagogical tool across the disciplines.

April Workshop: I-Search or Re-Search?  Another Option for Student Writing

Description:  An I-Search paper is a personal research paper about a topic that is important to the writer.  Usually less formal than a traditional research paper, it tells the story of the writer’s personal search for information, as well as what the writer learned about the topic as students write and research their way into their essay’s purpose. This inductive way of thinking is especially effective in student-conducted research in the Towson Seminars, but it can be used for a variety of assignments across the curriculum.

Presenter: Katie Hearn

For 13 years, Katie Hearn has taught writing courses in the English department and the Instructional Leadership and Professional Development department at Towson University. From 2006 -2012, Katie was the co-director of the Maryland Writing Project in the College of Education. A teacher and writer herself, Katie is currently working with teachers and students through the TU/BCPS RTTT Partnership in six Title I Baltimore County public schools.

Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Time: 4:30 – 6 p.m.

Place: Writing Center, LA 5330 for refreshments at 4:30 pm.  We will move to a classroom (TBA) for the workshop presentation at 4:45 p.m.

Maps to the CLA Writing Center are available.

Please RSVP to Barbara Bass if you will be attending and/or would like directions: bbass@towson.edu

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