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Course Redesign – Towson Style (Due May 5)

Call for Proposals


Since 2006, the University System of Maryland (USM) has sponsored a Course Redesign Initiative with funding initially provided by USM and later by the Carnegie Corporation. One of the goals of the initiative has been to encourage USM institutions to create their own course redesign initiatives specific to the mission and needs of each institution. In response to the USM, the Office of Academic Innovation at Towson University now announces Course Redesign—Towson Style, sponsored by the Division of Academic Affairs.

Purpose and Goals

The purpose of Course Redesign at Towson University is to support the renewal of existing courses—as well as creating new courses—that have the potential for long-term effects on (1) student success, (2) faculty success, and (3) the quality of academic programs.

Goals of the initiative are to simultaneously

  • Adopt new ways to improve student learning outcomes
  • Demonstrate these improvements through rigorous assessment
  • Enhance the faculty teaching experience

Elements of Successful Course Redesigns (adopted from NCAT http://www.thencat.org/)

1. Whole course redesign. In each case, the whole course–rather than a single class or section–is redesigned. Faculty members begin by analyzing the time that each person involved in the course spends on each kind of activity. This analysis often reveals duplication of effort. By sharing responsibility for both course development and course delivery, faculty members save substantial time and achieve greater course consistency.

2. Active learning. All of the redesign projects make the teaching-learning enterprise significantly more active and learner-centered. Lectures are replaced with a variety of learning resources that move students from a passive, note-taking role to active learning. As one math professor put it, “Students learn math by doing math, not by listening to someone talk about doing math.”

3. Computer-based learning resources. Instructional software and other Web-based learning resources assume an important role in engaging students with course content. Resources include tutorials, exercises and low-stakes quizzes that provide frequent practice, feedback, and reinforcement of course concepts.

4. Mastery learning. The redesign projects offer students more flexibility, but the redesigned courses are not self-paced. Student pace and progress are organized by the need to master specific learning objectives–often in a modular format, according to scheduled milestones for completion–rather than by class meeting times.

5. On-demand help. An expanded support system enables students to receive assistance from a variety of people. Helping students feel that they are a part of a learning community is critical to persistence, learning and satisfaction. Many projects replace lecture time with individual and small-group activities that meet in computer labs–staffed by faculty, graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) and/or peer tutors–or online, thus providing students more one-on-one assistance.

6. Alternative staffing. Various instructional personnel–-in addition to highly trained, expert faculty–constitute the student’s support system. Not all tasks associated with a course require a faculty member’s time. By using alternative staffing, the projects increase the number of hours during which students can access help and free faculty to concentrate on academic rather than logistical tasks.


Based on its nationwide experiences, NCAT has identified six different models for applying these elements. The six models represent different points on the continuum from a fully face-to-face course to a fully online course. The Course Redesign Project at Towson University will support redesigns of existing courses (or the development of new courses) that utilize any of these approaches:

The Supplemental Model  The supplemental model retains the basic structure of the traditional course and (a) supplements lectures and textbooks with technology-based, out-of-class activities, or (b) also changes what goes on in the class by creating an active learning environment within a large lecture hall setting.

The Replacement Model  The replacement model reduces the number of in-class meetings and (a) replaces some in-class time with out-of-class, online, interactive learning activities, or (b) also makes significant changes in remaining in-class meetings.

The Emporium Model  The emporium model replaces lectures with a learning resource center model featuring interactive computer software and on-demand personalized assistance.

The Fully Online Model  The fully online model eliminates all in-class meetings and moves all learning experiences online, using Web-based, multi-media resources, commercial software, automatically evaluated assessments with guided feedback and alternative staffing models.

The Buffet Model  The buffet model customizes the learning environment for each student based on background, learning preference, and academic/professional goals and offers students an assortment of individualized paths to reach the same learning outcomes.

The Linked Workshop Model   The Linked Workshop model provides remedial/developmental instruction by linking workshops that offer students just-in-time supplemental academic support to core college-level courses.

Focus of the TU Program

Course Redesign—Towson Style encompasses the spectrum of TU course offerings in all discipline areas and levels, including developmental, general education, undergraduate, and graduate courses; and in all modalities, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses.  The intent is to increase the potential long-term effects on (1) student success, (2) faculty success, and (3) the quality of academic programs.

Selection Criteria

The course to be redesigned (or created) is appropriate (e.g., large enrollment or gateway course, course with a high DFW rate, new course needed for updating a major or minor).

  1. There is a clear statement of the academic problem or issue about teaching and learning to be addressed through the course redesign.
  2. There is a clear description of how the impact on student learning will be assessed.
  3. The plan demonstrates a basic knowledge of the course redesign process.
  4. There is evidence of the department’s and college’s academic support.
  5. The project incorporates a team approach with appropriate membership.
  6. There is a clear timeline that outlines the process/plan.
  7. The budget/costs are realistic.


Stage 1

Interested faculty should submit a Concept Paper (max. 5-pages, 12-point font) that addresses each of the Selection Criteria, above, by May 5, 2014.

Stage 2

Participants chosen to move to Stage 2 will be asked to submit a full proposal (max. 12-pages, 12-point font) by June 15, 2014.

Recipients will be notified by July 1, 2014.


Funding ranges from $5,000-$10,000, depending on scope and significance of the project. Average award is $7,000 and for faculty compensation only.


Submissions should be sent by email only to:

Dr. Jane Neapolitan, Assistant Provost

Office of Academic Innovation


