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Towson Academy of Scholars Call for Applications

The Towson Academy of Scholars (TAS) is now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 academic year. The Academy’s purpose is to advance junior faculty research. All tenure-track Assistant Professors or Librarians I and II, who have been at Towson three years or less, are eligible to apply. All academic disciplines are welcome.
The committee will select up to three scholars for the academic year 2013-2014. Applications will be reviewed by the TU TAS Committee Members. Applications may also be blind-reviewed by external reviewers. Successful applicants will each receive a $1,000 grant to support their research and present their findings to the university community in a public setting during the Spring of 2015. The committee will arrange for an expert in the field to serve as discussant.

Seminars are open to the university community, and junior faculty must make their papers available upon request. Scholars will be encouraged to invite their students to their presentations. While papers, essays, and/or chapters may reflect the academic discourse of their discipline, the oral presentations must communicate broadly to the university community.

To apply, send an updated curriculum vitae and a two page research proposal (not including cover page or references) via email to TAS Chair Mary Carter at mcarter@towson.edu. Please submit the application as a single PDF or Word Document. Please include your last name in the file name for tracking purposes. Only electronic applications will be accepted.

Submission Deadline: Applications must be received by close of business (5:00 p.m.) on April 18, 2014.

Proposal Instructions (Note: The review committee is comprised of one faculty member from each college at TU. To facilitate a successful review, strive for a proposal narrative that is free of technical jargon and discipline-specific theories and technical approaches. Strive for a broadly accessible narrative that describes project goals, objectives, approach and outcomes to a multidisciplinary team of reviewers).

1. Title Page and Author Information (one page)

2. Project Narrative and Specific Aims (not to exceed 2 pages). In this section, provide an introduction to the problem or describe the intellectual or artistic contribution of the proposed work. Be sure to explain the specific aims and major project goals, and provide a clear rational and strong motivation for the project. Provide a brief and succinct overview of how your project will meet its goals. In describing any research methods or discipline-specific approaches, avoid technical jargon. Describe any expected outcomes and products from the work, as well as the significance of these in terms of major contributions to your professional field. Clarify how this project extends your scholarship, how the work builds upon previous efforts and how it will assist you in developing a record of scholarship at TU.

3. References (one page)

4. CV (full length)

5. Short bio-sketch (no more than 1 page)