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Applauding Stuff-a-Bus Success

The 2013 Stuff-a-Bus campaign is behind us and the TU Veteran Center would like to applaud all of you who took part in the drive.  There was a great amount of time and effort put into collecting donations as well as manning the bus and spreading the word of the campaign across campus and we are happy to report to you all that the drive was a smashing success.

It was a great feeling to finish stuffing the bus that would then be delivered to the Maryland Food Bank and the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.  We at the Vet Center are happy to report that your hard work and donations led to over 500 new toys in their original packaging, and over 1500 pounds of non-perishable food items to be delivered to needy families this holiday season!!

Your generosity and hard work helped to make this holiday season a special one for some folks in need, and for that you should all pat yourselves on the back and accept our sincerest gratitude.  We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to this year’s campaign and striving to make the holidays a special time for more families out there who may need a little more support during the holidays and beyond.

Once again thank you all, and Happy New Year!