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Calling all TSEM faculty – Join the new TSEM listserve!

All past, present and future Towson Seminar faculty as well as those who support the course are encouraged to  join the TSEM listserve.

This discussion list is for Towson Seminar faculty and librarians to share concerns, issues, and ideas related to the course. Even if you are no longer teaching the course, consider subscribing to the list to help your colleagues.  This discussion list will allow faculty to learn from one another in regards to teaching this foundational course.  You will be able to ask questions to all subscribers as well as offer your advice to those who have questions.  Remember, there are new TSEM faculty each semester!

To subscribe go to http://lists.towson.edu/

Questions? Contact: Carissa Tomlinson, First Year Experience Librarian at ctomlinson@towson.edu