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Open Enrollment Begins Today!

The Spring 2013 Open Enrollment (OE) period for all Maryland state insurance benefits is now underway and will last until Tuesday, April 30.

OE offers eligible faculty, staff and retirees (including eligible direct- pay employees: contingent staff, lecturers and part-time faculty) the opportunity to evaluate and compare their current benefits coverage to the coverage and costs for the new short plan year July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013. Changes can usually be made during OE without any special enrollment restrictions.

This year’s OE will be voluntary; therefore individuals who have no changes or corrections to their plans do not need to take any action. However, regular employees who would like to have flexible spending accounts (FSA) during the new short plan year must re-enroll during OE. Remember that OE does not affect or involve either of the USM benefit plans (Unum Group Life and Long Term Disability insurance).


Outreach Sessions

Once again, the TU OHR will be holding OE Outreach Sessions for the benefit of faculty, staff and retirees who may need further assistance with their OE decisions. The complete OE Outreach Session schedule is available at http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/HR/documents/OEOutreachfly13.pdf

Separate reminders will also be posted on T3- Towson Tigers Today under the Today at Towson heading each day an Outreach Session will take place.

Details for this OE period, including the new benefits booklet along with the new premium rates, are posted on the Open Enrollment link on the state’s website, accessible at http://dbm.maryland.gov/benefits/Pages/HBHome.aspx .

T3- Towson Tigers Today is utilized as the primary means to share additional information about

Open Enrollment so be sure to check it often for updates and reminders!  

Questions should be directed to Dave Curtis, x46018, or Gail Price, x46017.