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April OAI Workshops: Flipped Classrooms and Copyright Basics (In-Person or Online)

April Workshops from OAI’s Center for Instructional Advancement and Technology

To register for the workshops, please visit the OAI workshop page, http://www.towson.edu/provost/provost/oai/events.asp.

To present a topic, to suggest a future speaker or with any questions, please contact La Tonya Dyer, Course Development Support Manager at CIAT, ldyer@towson.edu.
Flipped Classrooms

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 12 – 1:30 p.m.

Location: Cook 404B

Presented by: Sara Arnold-Garza and Kimberly Miller, Cook Library

Are you interested in exploring new ways of engaging students with course content? Have you heard buzz about the flipped classroom, and you’re wondering exactly what it is? Have you tried flipping your own classroom and wish to share experiences with other experimental educators? Join librarians Kimberly Miller and Sara Arnold-Garza for this workshop, which explores the teaching model where lecture content and homework activities are flipped, making practical use of modern technologies and efficient use of limited class time. Registrants will be provided with materials to review before the workshop, creating our very own flipped experience.


Copyright Basics in Education

Date & Time: Friday, March 29, 2013, 12 – 1:30 p.m.  (NEW DATE)

Location: Cook 404B

Presented by: Rick Davis, Cook Library

Learn the basics of copyright and how it applies to the educational setting. Intended primarily for faculty and staff who facilitate educational activities on campus, but students who plan to enter the educational field may also benefit. Topics to be covered include the scope and purpose of copyright; the exclusive rights granted under the law; limitations on these rights, including fair use; best practices in fair use for educators; recent copyright litigation; requesting permission to use copyrighted works; and Towson University resources for copyright issues.


Sloan-C Online Workshops: Various Topics on Teaching with Technology and Teaching Online

Dates & Locations: Online – Throughout the Year

OAI sponsors Towson’s membership to Sloan-C. With this membership, a limited number of Towson faculty members can attend two or more of the workshops below for free. Normally, these workshops cost $350 – $500 each. All courses are offered in a fully online format and they require a time commitment over one week or a ½ day. For workshop descriptions, go to http://sloanconsortium.org/institute/workshops/2013/upcoming-by-date.  To register for the Sloan-C online workshops, contact Audrey Cutler, CIAT, at 410-704-5082 or acutler@towson.edu.
Cancellation Policy
CIAT workshops will be canceled if the university announces an emergency closing (with the exception of fully online workshops). All attempts will be made to reschedule workshops in a timely manner. For alerts, see the university’s emergency closing information page at http://www.towson.edu/main/abouttu/newsroom/emergencyclosing.asp.

Sponsored by the Office of Academic Innovation: http://www.towson.edu/oai