TU home | T3 | Next Blackboard Teaching Circle: Feb. 22 (In-Person or Online)

Next Blackboard Teaching Circle: Feb. 22 (In-Person or Online)

Blackboard Teaching Circle
Would you like to connect with other colleagues who use Blackboard as an integral or supplemental part of their teaching? Would you like to share best practices for teaching with Blackboard? Regardless of your familiarity with Blackboard, join our Blackboard Teaching Circle to connect with colleagues on this topic.

Next Meeting of the Blackboard Teaching Circle:

Friday, Feb. 22 from 1 ‒ 2:30 p.m.

In Cook 404B

Or online via WebEx (see full WebEx meeting information, computer prep, and help)

Current topics:

  • Linda Macaulay will demonstrate her Course Navigation Overview video
  • We need more presenters!  Consider sharing a segment or overview of your course
  • Your questions and answers
  • Consider changing to a “Hybrid and Online Courses” Teaching Circle or adding a research component

Please RSVP if you plan to join us and indicate by which mode you plan to attend (in-person or online)

Joining us via WebEx on Feb. 22?

Ahead of time:
1. To hear the conversation, you will need speakers or a headset. Anyone can comment via text, but you will need a microphone to be heard.
2. If you’re new to WebEx, you will need Administrator privileges on your machine in order to install WebEx.  If you wish to join us from a campus computer, you must request Admin access though the Help Center in order to complete the installation process.
3. Then to ensure your computer is set-up properly before the meeting, join a test session here to check and install WebEx.

On the day of the meeting, to join the meeting via WebEx:
1. Click here to access our WebEx session  (or go to http://towson.webex.com and click on Bb Teaching Circle 2/2013)

2. If requested, enter your name and email address
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: 123
4. Click “Join”

Having trouble connecting?
 Contact WebEx support toll free: 1-866-229-3239 and provide this meeting number 685 655 001 and password: 123. In addition, you can contact the facilitator.

To join the audio conference only
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4490
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-408-792-6300
Toll-free dialing restrictions
Access code: 685 655 001