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Teaching Class: A Multidisciplinary Discussion on How Social Class enters our Classroom

This event is part of both the Tools for Inclusion 2013 series and the CLA Teaching series
Monday, February 25
5 – 6:30 p.m.
Liberal Arts Building, 4310

  • How do various disciplines teach about social class?
  • What issues arise in teaching about social class in the liberal arts?
  • How does our own social class background influence our teaching?
  • (How) are we sensitive to our own students’ assumptions and experiences with social class when we teach?

Please join us for this discussion, featuring:

Tara Bynum (English)

Nicole Fabricant (Anthropology)

Marion Hughes (Sociology)

Michael Masatsugu (History)

John McTague (Political Science)

For more information, please contact Roland Roberts.




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