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Conversations on the Teaching of Writing

The CLA Writing Center invites you to join us in the first of this semester’s series of informal conversations about the teaching of writing.  These conversations are open to faculty across the university who would like to develop more effective teaching strategies, both in teaching writing and using of writing as a pedagogical tool across the disciplines.

Spring Workshop #1: Writing Across Borders: Working with the Second-Language Writers in Your Classroom

Wayne Robertson, the Director of Towson University’s Writing Center, will first show his thirty-minute film Writing Across Borders.  Through interviews with international students and ESOL scholars, the film addresses many of the common challenges that second-language students face when writing for U.S. classrooms. It then provides strategies faculty can use to create supportive learning environments even as they navigate complex issues such as grading and providing constructive feedback.

Following the film, Wayne will lead a discussion about best practices for working with second-language writers.  Topics will include recognizing cultural differences that can impact student writing, designing writing assignments that encourage success, and grading and responding to second-language writers in ways that are fair and useful.

Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Time: 4:30 – 6:30 PM

Place:  We will meet at 4:30 in CLA Writing Center LA 5330 for refreshments and then remove to LA 5314 for the movie and discussion.

Please RSVP to Barbara Bass if you will be attending:   bbass@towson.edu

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