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Copies Plus to Install Two New Production Printers and Offer Online Web-to-Print Services

Exciting news!  Copies Plus Satellite Copy Center in Cook Library will be installing two new high-speed production print devices. These devices will offer both high-quality, black and white digital reproduction and full-color capabilities.

Also, Copies Plus will soon be offering a Digital Store Front “web-to-print” solution!

Faculty and staff can log in to the online ordering system, upload their documents to Copies Plus, see a proof of the final product and receive a price quote. Customers can navigate the full suite of print products through this one easy-to-use online storefront, just like consumer e-commerce shopping cart sites, but with print-specific features.

Faculty and staff will be able to send print work instantly from the convenience of their office or home. There will no longer be a need to drop your print job in the campus mail, send email attachments, or hand-deliver requests to Copies Plus.

*Note that Copies Plus will not be able to offer copy services on February 6, 7, and 8 due to the installation of this new equipment.  All print work can be handled by the main Printing Services at 7800 York Road during this period.
