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How you can make a difference with one dollar!

One or two dollars per pay period is all it takes to make a big difference in the university?s ability to offer scholarships to our bright and talented students, or to fund important projects across campus.

Don?t wait any longer. Please fill out your payroll deduction card (payroll deductions begin with the pay period ending January 3, 2006), or make your gift online at {www.towson.edu/supportTU} and join the many other employees whose contributions are helping to map Towson?s future ? a future with unlimited potential.

If you are interested in designating your gift to a fund established in honor or memory of current or former employee, please click on the link below to view a list of accounts. You can also visit the Faculty/Staff Giving Campaign Web site to view the participation rates of each division on campus as well as see a complete list of all our accounts.
