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Attention Faculty: Using Information Effectively Workshop Rescheduled

The Using Information Effectively workshop, which was cancelled earlier this week, has been rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 26, from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in Cook Library, room 507 (the Towson Room). Lunch will be provided.

This workshop, sponsored by the university’s reference librarians through OTS Training, will be an active workshop on both the philosophy and the nuts and bolts of the GenEd Requirement, Using Information Effectively. Current and past UIE teachers and librarians will share their course development and classroom experiences. Cheryl Brown, Director, Freshmen Writing Program, will share insights on academic integrity. You will have an opportunity to share course information, meet your library liaison and begin to work on course materials.

For additional information, contact Sarah Crest at X4-4725 or {screst@towson.edu}, or Sara Nixon at X4-6075 or {sara@towson.edu}.

To register for this workshop and others offered through OTS Training, go to {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining}. Also, look for self-help quick sheets as an alternative to workshops by clicking on the Documents link.