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OTS’ January Workshops Focus on Faculty

To accommodate faculty teaching schedules, OTS Training’s January schedule is chock full of faculty-focused workshops. We are providing our full schedule of workshops on effective use of technology, including Blackboard topics and LiveText for e-portfolios.

In addition, in January we invite you to join us for these special workshops concentrated on effective teaching:

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Instruction
Friday, Jan. 20
3-4:30 p.m.
Instructor: Gloria Holland

During this session, participants will examine a variety of tools that evaluate and measure student learning. Formative, summative and confirmative evaluations; matching objectives and assessments; selecting the most appropriate testing tools; reliability and validity; and item and objective analysis are among the topics that will be presented.

Instructional Strategies
Monday, Jan. 9
1-2:30 p.m.
Instructor: Gloria Holland

Participants in this workshop will explore a variety of teaching strategies and their impact on student learning. Topics such as active and interactive learning, chunking, cues, practice and reinforcement, different types of learners and learning theories will be discussed. Come to this session prepared to share your own success stories as well as learn from your colleagues.

Library Systems and Information Resources: Using Information Effectively
Tuesday, Jan. 10
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Instructor: Sarah Crest

This will be an active workshop on both the philosophy and the nuts and bolts of the GenEd Requirement, Using Information Effectively. Current and past UIE teachers and librarians will share their course development and classroom experiences. You will have an opportunity to share course information, meet your library liaison and begin to work on course materials. Additionally, Cheryl Brown, Director, Freshmen Writing Program, will share insights on academic integrity. Note: Lunch will be provided; please RSVP for lunch to Sarah Crest at x4-4725 or Sara Nixon at x4-4725.

To register for these and other workshops offered go to {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining}. All workshops are held in Cook Library, room 3, unless otherwise noted on the Web page. Also, look for self-help quick sheets as an alternative to workshops by clicking on the Documents link.