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Benefits Bulletin: Reminder of USM Group Life Insurance Meetings

A representative from UnumProvident will be available on Thursday, Nov. 17 at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in Chesapeake Room I in the University Union to present details of the new USM Group Life Insurance program that will go into effect as of February 1, 2006. All faculty and staff members employed at 50% or greater are eligible to enroll in the new plan during the Special Enrollment Period this month, however Evidence of Insurability will be required for all new enrollees unless they are within their initial 60 days of employment and have enrolled in the current USM Group Universal Life plan. Enrollment materials will be available at the meetings on November 17 and also in the literature racks in the Office of Human Resources or upon request.

Since this Special Enrollment Period ends on Wednesday, Nov. 30, be sure to act before then if you?re interested in this new life insurance program.

Questions should be directed to Dave Curtis, x4-6018 or {dcurtis@towson.edu}, or Gail Price, x4-6017 or {gprice@towson.edu}.
