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Maryland Charities Campaign Update for Week One

The Maryland Charities Campaign is off to a great start! Thanks so much to those who contributed this first week. Below are the randomly-selected winners of the “thank-you” gifts from this week’s contributor pool. If you have not already done so, please access the Web site at {http://www.mdcharity.org} to download a hard copy pledge sheet. After completion, please send to Sherry McKendry in the Office of Human Resources.

If you elect to make an ‘e-Pledge’, access the Web site at {http://uwcm.org/eplege/epledge.htm}. This page will not open unless you allow pop-ups on your computer! Once there, use your first initial and last name and your EmplID number as your user ID, and your first and last initial and your EmplID for your password. Simple step-by-step progression will guide toward completion and offer a confirmation of your pledge at the end of the proess via e-mail. Make sure to check the “Send Me and Email” box and your correct e-mail address shows in the e-mail field. That’s all there is to it!

Please remember that Towson University is a registered agency with MCC, and our designation number is 3258.

And now, here are this week’s winners:

Michael Decker — $10 gift certificate for the University Store
David Vanko — 4 Tickets to the TU/Loyola basketball game
Carla Freeman — $10 gift certificate for the University Store
Karen Schaefer — TU shirt and commemorative soda
Donna Mayer — 1 USB flash drive

Thanks so much to all who donated to the Maryland Charities Campaign. For more information, please contact Sherry McKendry at {smckendry@towson.edu} or x4-4267.