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Attention New Employees

OTS Offers Workshop on Important Information for Campus Computing
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 9-11 a.m., Cook Library 404B

Office of Technology Services Training is offering this comprehensive workshop to all new employees or any employee who would like a refresher. It will cover the basics of computing at Towson University, including:

– Your Towson University User Account: what it provides, how to activate it, and how to reset or change your password
– Network Drives: what they are and how to access them
– PeopleSoft: introduction to basic screens and how to find the expert in your department
– E-mail: how to use it in your office and remotely
– Help and Support: who to call for computer and phone issues
– Training: where to go for workshop schedules and 24/7 help
– Software for You: free downloads on virus software and deals on Microsoft Office
– Where to go for more information on Towson’s Wireless network, Towson Unplugged!

Representatives from OTS Training, OTS’ PeopleSoft Team, the Help Center and the Office of Human Resources will be on hand to provide guidance and answer questions.

To register for this and other technology training workshops, go to {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining} and click on Registration. If you have questions, call 410-704-4070 or e-mail {training@towson.edu}.