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OTS Debuts New Technology Training Service

?Traveling Trainers? are on the Go!

OTS Training?s newest service brings technology professionals and training resources literally to your doorstep. Departments can request Traveling Trainers to visit their office for a two to three hour session, in which employees can drop in with questions for their individual needs.

The Traveling Trainers include five OTS staff members. Each trainer specializes in varying technology subjects, making it possible for faculty and staff to seek advice on a wide variety of topics?from software and set-up to Web and wireless.

The trainers bring along five laptops, which are set up in an area you make available to them convenient to your office. Towson Unplugged wireless networking allows for network access at a variety of places?conference rooms, classrooms or virtually anywhere else in a campus building.

Let the Traveling Trainers know when and where, and they?ll be there! Contact OTS Training at 410-704-4070 or {training@towson.edu} to make a reservation.

Please note that Traveling Training sessions are different than custom training sessions because they cover a variety of topics, whereas custom training is more software-specific, including how the department wants to tailor the software to its needs. OTS Training can conduct custom sessions in its own training lab or your own. Call 410-704-4070 or e-mail {training@towson.edu} for more information.

Please visit the OTS Training Web site at {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining} to learn more about other technology training services, including workshops and self-help quick sheets.