TU home | T3 | Blood Drive -- Wednesday, Aug. 31

Blood Drive — Wednesday, Aug. 31

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Attention all TU employees and students! Don’t forget the Blood Drive scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 31 in the University Union, Chesapeake Rooms I & II from 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Hopefully, everyone enjoyed a wonderful summer. Maybe you had the opportunity to visit family or friends, travel to a far away place or just enjoy a quiet vacation at home. Unfortunately, “THE NEED FOR BLOOD DOES NOT TAKE A VACATION.” Please come out on August 31 and support the efforts of TU to help the local Red Cross replenish their supply of available blood.

Receive a special ribbon magnet when you participate at the Blood Drive.

To schedule an appointment to donate or volunteer, please contact Gail Price in the OHR Benefits Unit, 410-704-6017 or e-mail: {gprice@towson.edu}. Walk-ins are always welcome.

Volunteers are needed from 7:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Also, mark your calendars for the Fall Blood Drive – September 26, 27 & 28, 2005.

****Thank you for your continued support of this life-saving activity!!****

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