TU home | T3 | Benefits Bulletin: Continuation of Insurance for Graduating Children of Faculty and Staff

Benefits Bulletin: Continuation of Insurance for Graduating Children of Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff members who have children graduating from college this spring are reminded that all MD State group insurance coverage for those children end at the end of the month in which they graduate and/or cease to be a full-time student. In order for the graduate to continue benefits under the same MD State insurance coverage, the faculty or staff member must complete a COBRA enrollment form within 60 days from the date their child?s student coverage ends.

Regardless of the decision concerning COBRA, the employee should also complete a new benefits enrollment worksheet to drop the child from their active MD State coverage. Failure to delete ineligible dependents may result in an overpaying of premiums that would not be refundable by the MD State Department of Budget and Management (DBM), as well as cancellation of all MD State coverage for the ineligible dependent. In addition, the employee will be billed by DBM for the full individual premium for the number of months the ineligible dependent remained enrolled. The necessary forms are available upon request from the Towson University Office of Human Resources.

Questions should be directed to Dave Curtis, x46018 or {dcurtis@towson.edu}, or Gail Price, x46017 or {gprice@towson.edu}.
