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Message from Central Payroll Bureau Concerning W-2 statements

The 2004 W-2 Wage and Tax statements for current and former State of Maryland employees have been issued. Statements will be directly mailed to employees using the current address on the Central Payroll Bureau master file beginning January 4. The direct mailing of W-2s will take place over the current week and employees should have their statement by the end of next week.

Beginning Saturday, Jan. 8 most employees will be able to access and print a duplicate copy of their 2004 W-2 via our Web site. If employees do not receive their W-2, need to update their address or simply need a duplicate copy of their 2004 W-2 statement, please access the Central Payroll Bureau?s Web site at {compnet.comp.state.md.us/cpb} after Saturday, Jan. 8 (access requires information from a copy of your most recent pay stub).

Please direct questions regarding this message to the Financial Services Help Line at x4-5599.
