TU home | T3 | Open Enrollment Update #1: 2005 Benefits Dates and Rates Now Available!

Open Enrollment Update #1: 2005 Benefits Dates and Rates Now Available!

It?s now official! The 2004 Open Enrollment (OE) period for all Maryland state insurance benefits will begin on Monday, Dec. 6 and will continue until Wednesday, Dec. 22.

Please note that this OE will only cover a special six-month plan year. The benefits and premium rates for this OE will be effective for January 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005. The State will be shifting their benefits plan year from a calendar year to a fiscal year basis, so there will be a separate OE in spring 2005 for benefits choices for July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.

OE offers all eligible faculty and staff, including eligible Direct Pay employees (contingent staff, lecturers and part-time faculty members), the opportunity to examine and evaluate their current coverage and compare with the coverage and costs for the first six months of 2005. Changes can be made during OE usually without any special enrollment restrictions (except for term life and Long Term Care insurance).

There are several changes for this OE including a new dental plan, new requirements for dependent eligibility and of course, new rates. Details of these changes can be found on the Maryland Department of Budget and Management?s Web site: {http://www.dbm.maryland.gov}. Click on the Employee Services tab and then Health Benefits and Open Enrollment.

REMINDER: The United Concordia Dental Point of Service plan will no longer be offered by the State of Maryland in 2005. Those employees currently enrolled with that plan will have to elect a new one during OE.

Additional information will be included in future Daily Digest updates.

Please contact Dave Curtis (x4-6018, {dcurtis@towson.edu}) or Gail Price (x4-6017, {gprice@towson.edu}) of OHR’s Benefits Unit with any OE questions or concerns.
