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Free Workshops for Faculty and Staff

Emergency Preparedness/Active Shooter Training
Emergency Preparedness – Every day there is the possibility that a natural disaster, man ?made disaster or criminal / terrorist act could disrupt our lives. This training has been developed to promote emergency preparedness awareness throughout the university community. The session will cover the types of disaster that may affect our community and how to respond to them. Developing personal emergency preparedness plans and emergency supply kits will also be discussed. Active Shooter – In recent years there have been many campus and work related Active Shooter incidents. The objective of this training is to raise awareness and provide information on how you should respond to an Active Shooter incident. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/facilities/ehs/emergencypreparetraining.asp}.

Date: Monday, April 2
Time: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Environmental Health & Safety and the University Police

Time Management for the Busy Professional (Elective workshop for the Management & Supervision Certificate and Workplace Professional Certificate)
Before you can decide how to manage your time better, you need to recognize how you manage your time now. When the workplace is busy, people are most often in a reactive mode, not having or taking the time to consider whether they are making the best use of their time. Assessing your current time management behaviors is the first step in becoming more proactive and effectively managing your time. Attend this workshop to achieve better results by effectively planning, setting goals and establishing priorities, minimizing interruptions, mastering paperwork, using delegation effectively, and more. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}

Date: Thursday, April 5
Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Mark Emmel, Training and Development Manager, Office of Human Resources, University of Baltimore

Raising Smart Money Kids (Elective workshop for the Financial Knowledge Certificate)
Provides parents with savings solutions and ideas for kids of all ages. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}

Date: Monday, April 9
Time: Noon to 1 p.m. (Lunch provided. Please RSVP by Monday, April 2nd)
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: PNC Bank

Accounts Payable (Required course for the University Business Certificate)
Learn about your purchasing options and spending authority; how to process invoices and vouchers and do payment approvals; and understand the different special payment types, office supply contracts, and restricted purchases. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/fiscalplanning/financialservices/Training-SeminarListing.asp}

Date: Wednesday, April 11
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Financial Services

Procurement and Contracts 101 (Required course for the University Business Certificate)
This course is an overview of the University Procurement Policies developed as a result of the University System of Maryland (USM) Procurement Policies and Procedures, approved by the Board of Regents on December 3, 1999. We will review key considerations in making purchases of goods and services such as formulating specifications, procurement method selection, sole sources, reporting and approval requirements (and how this may affect the timeline), contract execution, minority and preference provider goals, small business reserve program, as well as vendor performance issues. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/fiscalplanning/procurement/ProContractsTrainingSignup.asp}

Date: Wednesday, April 11
Time: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Financial Services

Student Employment (Required course for the University Business Certificate)
This seminar is designed to aid faculty and staff involved in the hiring and/or supervising of student employees. This workshop will provide you with an overview of the student employment process including recruitment, the hiring process, Federal Work Study program, and timesheets. More specifically, it will focus on the actual “how to” process of interviewing and hiring a student employee, clearing the student employee through the Payroll Office, submitting timesheets, and how the student receives paychecks. Representatives from the Career Center, Human Resources, and the Financial Aid Office will join Payroll in this workshop and will be available to answer any of your questions. Register at {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/fiscalplanning/financialservices/training_payroll_register.html}

Date: Thursday, April 12
Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: Administration Building, room 120
Presented by: Financial Services

Speak Up! (Diversity workshop)
How many times have you been in a situation where you failed to comment and then, later, chastised yourself for not speaking up? Individuals will discuss encounters they have had from stores to restaurants or in the workplace. Participants will discuss incidents with family members, friends or co-workers. They will tell stories regarding what they did or didn?t say ? and what they wished they did or didn?t say. This workshop will provide you with an opportunity to develop and practice appropriate responses and give you the tools necessary to be ready to address bigotry at home or in the workplace in a manner that is both effective and civil. As a campus community we need to SPEAK UP! in the face of bigotry! Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}

Date: Thursday, April 26
Time: 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Location: Administration Building, room 120
Presented by: Debra Seeberger, Office Diversity & Equal Opportunity

Towson eLearning Center (TEC) Featured Course of the Month

Successfully Coaching Relationships (mgmt_09_a02_bs_enus)
Coaching is a set of practical skills and a style of relating that develop the potential of both the individual being coached and the coach. For this development to take place, there must be a working relationship between a coach and a willing coachee, a relationship based on mutual trust, respect, commitment and confidentiality. Within this collaborative framework, the coach uses a repertoire of styles to suit both the situation and the personality of the coachee. This course shows learners what fosters a productive coaching relationship and what prevents such relationships. The course analyzes the role of the coach and examines learning styles to see how adults approach learning tasks in different ways.

Complete this online course any time you like at {http://www.towson.edu/tec} (User name = your seven-digit Towson ID number, Password = towson ? all lowercase)

How to Search and Register for OHR Workshops
1) The Office of Human Resources offers free workshops for Towson University faculty and staff. To search and register for workshops, go to {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/HR/training/TrainingAndDevelopmentSchedule.asp}.
2) To view a course description, click on the course name.

Registering for a Workshop
1) Click on the Course Registration link on the left side of the page or the link within the online schedule posted after each month of workshops listed.
2) Complete the form with your Towson email address. If you have a question related to the classes, please write it in the Comments/Questions box.
3) Click Submit. You will receive an email from {hrtraining@towson.edu} confirming your selection(s) within a few days.

To Cancel a Workshop
Please send an email to {hrtraining@towson.edu} with your name and class/date that you would like to cancel.

Need additional information or have questions? Contact Training and Development via email at {hrtraining@towson.edu} or by phone at x4-6012.