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Are You Planning on Teaching Online, Hybrid or Web-Supported Courses?

For faculty planning on teaching courses with a Web component or who are interested in learning more about this method of delivery, Office of Technology Services Training is offering several options this summer and fall:

Blackboard Introduction (**Starting This Coming Monday!**)

This workshop, which includes two half-day sessions, will teach you the basics of using Blackboard for developing Web enhancements to a course. Participants will create a course homepage in Blackboard with a syllabus, hyperlinks and a discussion forum. Bring a disk with a syllabus and several class assignments that you would like to post.

– Tuesday, Aug. 1: 1-4 p.m. (day 1 of 2)
– Wednesday, Aug. 2: 1-4 p.m. (day 2 of 2)

Blackboard Fundamentals

This introductory workshop is designed to provide an overview of the Blackboard software capabilities. You will learn basic Blackboard fundamentals such as posting information and documents, and creating announcements and hyperlinks. Managing your course site will also be briefly reviewed. Although this workshop includes some hands-on experience, there will be little time for creating your own course materials during the session.

– Thursday, Aug. 31: 1-3 p.m.
– Thursday, Sep. 07: 9-11 a.m.
– Monday, Sep. 25: 9-11 a.m.
– Monday, Oct. 30: 9-11 a.m.
– Tuesday, Nov. 14: 9-11 a.m.

Blackboard: Test and Assignments

Use the assignments feature as a method for students to submit documents, automatically producing gradebook entries and sorting submissions. Also how to create quizzes and surveys in Blackboard.

– Monday, Sep. 11: 10-11 a.m.

Online Course Development

Interested in fully online course development for delivery in the next nine months? If so, here’s an online workshop for you! Each week, work with colleagues to design and develop at least one unit of your online course. This workshop is offered completely online through Blackboard.

-Tuesday, Sep. 5 through Sunday, October 8: Online

Teaching a Hybrid Course Faculty Panel

In hybrid courses some portion of a course is taught online instead of face-to-face. Join several of Towson University’s hybrid instructors as they share their experiences and strategies and then answer your questions concerning teaching online!

– Friday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m.-noon

Registration Information

To register for these and other workshops go to {http://www.towson.edu/otstraining}. All workshops are held in Cook Library. Check for specific room locations on the registration page. Also, look for self-help training documents as an alternative to workshops by clicking on the Self-Help Documents or Movie Tutorials links.

If you have questions call 410-704-4070 or e-mail {training@towson.edu}.