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What’s New for March?

Tuesday, March 7, 2006
9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in AD120
Employee Performance Review and Development Workshop
Presented by: Joan Dunne, Employer/Employee Relations Manager

This course is recommended for new supervisors who are not familiar with the Employee Performance Review and Development (EPRD) process. Topics include the goals and pitfalls of performance evaluation along with the mechanics of completing the EPRD form.

Friday, March 17, 2006
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in AD120
New Employee Orientation
Presented by: Human Resources

This orientation will familiarize new employees with the university’s history, mission, vision, strategic plan, diversity goals and initiatives, provide an opportunity to meet new friends and colleagues, and more.

Friday, March 24, 2006
Noon – 1 p.m. in AD120
Lunch & Learn: Communication Skills
Presented by: Counseling Center

Communication is intertwined in everything we do – average communication skills just don’t cut it. Attend this workshop to recognize the barriers to effective communication, and how to overcome these in order to become a more effective communicator.

TEC Featured Course of the Month
Reviewing Performance (MGMT0342)
(available online at {http://www.towson.edu/tec})

Appraisal interviews are the culmination of the ongoing performance appraisal process. Appraisal meetings aren’t always easy encounters, even when they are planned. Sometimes, managers have to tell employees that their performance isn’t good enough – despite all efforts. This course gives sound practical advice about how to handle the appraisals of consistently poor performers. Since appraisees aren’t always passive recipients of their manager’s assessments, this course prepares managers for the more difficult reactions they may encounter. Managers must also develop better performance in their employees. This means both creating the best performance opportunities and identifying steps to develop their team members. This course explains how training can be used effectively and purposefully in development.

To register for these workshops, complete and submit the course registration form at:

Contact Kristi Yowell, Training & Development Manager, on x4-6012 or Cheryl Harris, Administrative Assistant, on x4-6015 for assistance.