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TU Foundation End of Fiscal Year Deadlines

In preparation for our June 30, 2006 fiscal year end, I want to remind you of a few important dates:

Disbursement Request Forms – To allow sufficient time to prepare for the annual audit, July 14, 2006 is the last day we will process invoices for inclusion in the June 2006 activity reports. Please submit for payment all invoices related to FY 2006 activity no later than July 14, 2006. Any disbursement request received after July 14, 2006 will be reported to you on your FY 2007 activity reports.

Scholarship Request Forms – All scholarship request forms received by June 30, 2006 will be reflected on your June 2006 report (unless you have been notified that we are holding a particular scholarship for FY 2007.) All requests received after that date will be reported to you on your FY 2007 activity reports.

Deposits – The last day we will accept deposits for credit to FY 2006 will be June 29, 2006 at 12:00PM – NOON. All deposits received after 12:00 PM – Noon on June 29, 2006 will be reported to you on your FY 2007 activity reports.

I appreciate your cooperation in getting the above information to the Foundation office by the referenced dates. If you have any questions about the fiscal year end dates, please call John Mease at extension 4-2040.