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Student Course Evaluation Starts Next Week!!!!!!

If you have confirmed your participation in the Student Course Evaluation (SCE) with the Office of Assessment this semester the forms and other materials have been delivered to your Department Office by now. The course evaluation window runs from April 29 to May 13.

If you are teaching an online course your students will receive an invitation to participate in the course evaluation on April 29 and they will be able to complete the course evaluation until May 13.

The subject line will say ?Evaluate your TU course XXXX 999.999?

The message will contain a link which allows students to evaluate an online course. If a student is taking two or more online courses, s/he will be able to evaluate class by class by clicking on the link and selecting the class they want to evaluate each time. Completing the online evaluation would not take longer than 5 minutes.

The Office of Assessment will send reminders on May 5 and May 9 to the students who did not complete the evaluation by then. Only if necessary a final reminder will be set out on May 11.

Student responses are confidential. The Office of Assessment will collect data and return summary reports to faculty only after grades have been posted.

For more information, please contact me at 410 704 2331 or {lcaceda@towson.edu}, or visit the website
