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Heart Month Lecture Series

The Towson University Wellness Center will be featuring guest speakers in the Month of February in celebration of Heart Month.

Monday, February 11, 2008 at 10:00 AM Glen Bailey from the Mended Hearts organization will discuss the many offerings Mended Hearts provides as a cardiac support group to heart disease patients and their families. Mended Hearts is a nonprofit organization affiliated with the American Heart Association.

Friday, February 15, 2008 at 1:00 PM Douglas Clarke, MD, Cardiologist at St. Joseph Medical Center will present the latest on medical advances in heart disease and discuss the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

Wednesday, February, 20 at 9:00 AM Kathy Gould, RD will prove not all fat is bad! Join the discussion as Kathy distinguishes between good sources of healthy fats and the hidden not-so-good saturated kind that hides in your favorite foods!

All are welcome to attend. Sessions will take place at the Towson University Wellness Center, Administration Bldg. Rm 113.