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Upcoming Faculty Association Events!

The TU AAUP/Faculty Association has a variety of interesting events planned to foster community, intellectual exchange, and fun for faculty this fall. This month features the first “Second Friday” talk/happy hour and the Annual Crab Feast/Bull Roast. We hope all faculty will mark the following dates on your calendars!

“Second Fridays”:
Friday, September 14, 3:30 pm, at the Burkshire (exact room TBA).
Dean Terry Cooney of the College of Liberal Arts will honor us by inaugurating this new tradition, offering an informal, non-technical, interdisciplinary presentation on his area of research in the field of American history. There will be ample time for questions and answers; light refreshments and a cash bar will be available after the talk. Faculty from all colleges and departments are invited to attend.

2nd Annual “Faculty and Friends Crab Feast/Bull Roast”:
Friday, September 28, 7-11 pm, Auburn House Pavilion.
This event was a major success last year: faculty members brought family and friends, ate mounds of delicious food, and enjoyed good music and great company. We hope to surpass it this year. The food is fantastic and a TU alumnus provides wonderful DJ service. In addition, the price is a real bargain: $25 for faculty members, if paid in advance, of which $15 goes for your annual dues to TU/AAUP. $35 for all others, or for all tickets bought at the door ($15 for children 12 and under).

Please send checks, made out “TU AAUP,” to our new treasurer, Dr. Isabel Castro-Vazquez, Department of Foreign Languages, Linthicum Hall Room 319.

For more information, please contact Prof. John McLucas, President, TU-AAUP/Faculty Association {jmclucas@towson.edu}.