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Assistant Provost For Undergraduate Studies

Office of the Provost
Towson University

April 25, 2006

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Kimberly A. Lauffer of the Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies, College of Fine Arts and Communication, to the position of Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Studies. This internal search, which I announced in January of this year, became somewhat protracted because of the other major searches for two deans and the leadership of the university library. I am most pleased that Professor Lauffer has accepted my offer, and I want to thank several of our colleagues who nominated individuals or who nominated themselves for this important position.

As you may recall, this position evolved from a 2-year study within the Office of the Provost to determine the best organization to support excellence in our undergraduate curriculum and student success. The position involves several areas of responsibility:

1. General Education. Serve as Provost?s delegate on the General Education Subcommittee ? advocate for streamlining and enhanced quality; Oversee assessment of learning outcomes in general education; coordinate with University Registrar on adequacy of offerings.

2. Academic Support. Supervise directors of both student support units ? Academic Achievement Center and Academic Advising Center; Serve as chair of Undergraduate Advising council; Assess effectiveness of student learning; Coordinate vertical advising from center to majors/departments; Resolve issues arising from mandatory advising; Serve as Provost?s delegate for Student?Athlete Academic Center.

3. Admissions/Orientation. Coordinate various special programs for admitting special groups (e.g., Top 10%, ASAP), orientation and academic support/advising; First year experience effectiveness and assessment; Develop Summer Transitions Program.

4. Interdisciplinary Programs. Serve as Provost?s observer to collegiate efforts; facilitate trans-collegiate programming.

5. Administrative activities. Undergraduate catalog; Academic Common Market; Language Consortium.

The immediate reporting line for these areas is to the Associate Provost,
Dr. Deborah Leather, although as a member of the Provost?s Council, the Assistant Provost will interact directly with me on a regular basis.

Dr. Lauffer has been a member of the Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies since 2000, and she was recently awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor. She holds a B.A. and M.A. in Journalism from Michigan State University, and completed her Ph.D. in Mass Communication at the University of Florida in 2000. Since joining Towson, she has become a committed citizen who has been a strong advocate for undergraduate education as a member of many collegiate and university groups. I was particularly impressed with Dr. Lauffer through my monthly meetings with the junior faculty group sponsored by the AAUP. Dr. Lauffer?s scholarship on multicultural and social issues in communication has been published in articles and a book chapter, and she has presented at numerous regional and national conferences.

Dr. Lauffer will begin her new position on 1 July 2006. I hope that you will join President Caret and me in welcoming Dr. Lauffer to her new position, and I look forward to working with her in the months and years ahead as we advance Towson?s excellence in undergraduate education.

Thank you,

James F. Brennan