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University VISA Cardholders – October Transactions

The October period has closed in the ProCard system, and your VISA transactions have been posted to your budget in the FRS system. Your October VISA transactions can now only be viewed under the History function, and no further changes to subcodes or accounts (Reallocation) can be made to them. View the transactions on FRS screens 23 or 27 by entering your 10-digit code. This is your six digit department code number and the four digit subcode where your charges default or have been reallocated.

Reconciliation: While doing the on-line Reconciliation to your bank statement does not have a deadline and is available to you at all times, it is recommended that you reconcile to your statement as soon as possible after receiving it because of time limitations on filing of disputes.

If you have any questions, call Ella Watts at 4-2347 or Celeste Gibson at 4-2188, Financial Services, or e-mail {procard@towson.edu}.