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Proposal Development Workshop for Internal Grants

The Faculty Research and Development Committee has just finalized its review and approval of the research grants submitted this semester. I am sorry to inform you that the Faculty Development and Research Committee supported funding for less than one third of the full amount requested and about half of the amount available for this fall grants cycle. I, the committee members, and the Provost’s Office are concerned about the presentation and the intent of the teaching and research grant proposals submitted this cycle.

Since the dollar amount for internal grants significantly increased this fall with additional funding to be provided by the Provost in the spring, the Center for Faculty Excellence will offer two workshops on internal grant writing process. These workshops are designed for all faculty, and will take place in November and December. We will be announcing specific dates and locations in the very near future. Faculty will be enrolled on a first-come first-served basis.

Contact Information: Donna Guillott, {dguillott@towson.edu} or x43828

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