TU home | T3 | Annual AAUP Crab Feast/Bull Roast

Annual AAUP Crab Feast/Bull Roast

Come Eat and Drink, and Mix and Mingle
Reconnect with Returning Colleagues and Greet New Faculty
And Join the AAUP! All Faculty and Friends (including Family!) are Welcome!

Friday, September 26th, from 6-10 PM,
Auburn House Pavilion

Faculty Members: $25
($15 of which pays your annual TU-AAUP Membership!)
Friends: $35
Children under 10: Free!!

Live DJ!! All you can eat and drink!! A great deal and lots of fun!

Mail your check today to reserve your place. Please make checks out to TU-AAUP, note your department (for our records), and send to our AAUP Treasurer:
Isabel Castro-Vazquez, Foreign Languages Department
(We will also take cash or check at the door.)

For more information, contact Jennifer Ballengee (English), AAUP President: {jballeng@towson.edu}; x5213.