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Upcoming OHR Training & Development Workshops

November 6, 2008
9am ? 1pm in AD120
What?s Your Type? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Presented by: Kristi Yowell, Office of Human Resources
Personality similarities and differences can facilitate or block your productivity. You can?t change the people you work with, but you can understand them better. This workshop will help you identify your own work style and sharpen interpersonal skills to heighten your personal job effectiveness. Learn how to work better with colleagues while remaining comfortable with yourself.

November 7, 2008
9am ? noon in AD120
Diversity: Overcoming Roadblocks in Gender Communication
Presented by: Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Do men and women communicate differently? Does it matter? Genetics, learned roles, and socialization all contribute to differences in the ways men and women communicate. In the workplace, differences in male and female communication styles can lead to misunderstanding, conflict, and mistakes. Attend this workshop to learn more about these cultural differences, how to apply communication styles to help avoid gender-related conflicts that can impede your success, how to keep conflicts from escalating, and how to confront others in a way that minimizes defensiveness and hostility.

November 13, 2008
9am ? noon in AD120
Mock Hearing (for supervisors/managers)
Presented by: Jo Ann Joseph, Employee/Employer Relations, Office of Human Resources
Are you prepared for a grievance/disciplinary hearing? Gain knowledge of expectations and the process by participating in the mock grievance/disciplinary hearing based upon multiple hypothetical workplace scenarios. Recommended prerequisite: Employee/Employer Relations and the Supervisor or equivalent training.

Register online at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}