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Emerging Technology Brown Bag ? Developing Online Teaching Material

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) invites you to an Emerging Technologies brown bag presentation by Dr. Edwin Duncan, Chairperson of the Department of English.

Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
When: December 12
Where: CK 404B

The past few years have seen the steady incorporation of technology into university classes. Many of faculty now use Blackboard, while others maintain web pages with links to course-related materials?and all are interested in finding the best ways to impart course content to a generation of students who have grown up staring at a monitor with a mouse in their hands.

Developing Online Teaching Material

Join us for Dr. Duncan?s presentation on Wednesday, December 12 at noon in Cook Library room 404B, as he discusses the use of several applications and their advantages and disadvantages. These will include both audio, video materials and presentation applications (such as YouTube, PowerPoint, Audacity, Jing and Adobe Captivate). He will focus on delivering online content and discuss his use of technology in his Chaucer and History of the English Language classes, both upper-division courses for English majors.

For additional information and to register please visit the OTS training Web site at {www.towson.edu/otstraining}.

Click link to view the Developing Online Teaching Material Brown Bag promo: {www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/ciat/emergingtechnology/devteach}.