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Invitation to all TU Personnel to Join the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Special Supporting Membership Rate

Special Invitation to Faculty and Staff:
Join the Osher Lifelong Leaning Institute at Towson University

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Towson University extends to all Towson University faculty and staff, regardless of age, a special invitation to join the Osher Institute at one of two supporting membership rates:

$25 per year
$50 per year

Towson University?s Osher Institute has received $100,000 grants from the Bernard Osher Foundation for the past two academic years. Our membership has grown to 500 and we intend to apply for a one million dollar endowment from the Foundation. You can help the Osher Institute and Towson University by becoming a supporting member of the Foundation. If you join now, we will start your membership immediately and continue it through December 2009.

Osher offers daytime courses in the liberal arts and sciences. Fall semester begins September 8. Our complete fall catalog is on our web site: {www.towson.edu/olli}. We can also send to you a hard copy of our catalog. Classes are held at 7400 York Road with easily accessible parking. Coffee and sweets are available throughout the day. We also offer day trips, special lectures and social events.

Even though you are still employed, you may find the time to take one or two courses during the spring or fall semesters or participate in some of our other activities.

For the $25 annual supporting membership fee, you may take one four-week course each semester.
For the $50 annual supporting membership fee, you may take two four-week courses each semester.
For either fee, you will be eligible to participate in any of our other events at our usual member rates and you will receive a copy of our catalog each semester and notices of all events.

Even if you cannot take courses, your membership will help the Osher Institute and Towson University maintain its goal of 500 members.

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is an important component of Towson University?s Division of Economic and Community Outreach (DECO) and of Extended Education and On-line Learning (EEOL).

Visit our web site at {www.towson.edu/olli} to learn more about our program and click the link to ?Supporting Membership for TU Faculty and Staff? to find a membership application form.

For more information contact Lynne Haas at 410-704-3688, {lhaas@towson.edu} or Jacqueline Gratz at 410-704-3437, {jgratz@towson.edu}. Thanks for your support!