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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Seeking Faculty for Fall 2007 Semester

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Towson University, offering courses to persons 50 years of age and older, is seeking faculty in a wide variety of fields to teach courses in its fall 2007 semester.

Courses are held on campus in Terrace Dale on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. and are one hour and fifteen minutes in length. A course may be four or eight weeks in length. The dates are:
Session I: September 10 ? October 4
Session II: October 15? November 8

A four-week course consists of only five hours of teaching time and an eight-week course, 10 hours. There are no grades or homework.

Osher students are lively and enthusiastic learners. Towson University faculty members who teach for Osher find the experience enjoyable and rewarding.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Towson University is an important component of Towson University?s Division of Economic and Community Outreach (DECO).

If you might be interested in teaching for Osher, or would like more information, please contact Jacqueline Gratz, Director, {jgratz@towson.edu}, or 410-704-3437. To learn more about the Osher program visit {http://olli.towson.edu}.