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Involvement Opportunities with Freshmen Orientation

This Daily Digest contains all the information you need to understand and participate in orientation weekend events designed to assist new students and their families in their transition to TU. Please consider how your department might participate in each of these three components. All information about your involvement can be emailed to {newstudentprograms@towson.edu}. To assure inclusion in publications please send your information no later than Monday, July 21, 2008.

COMPONENT #1 ? Resource Fair ? Thursday, August 28
The Resource Fair will be held on Thursday, August 28 from 9 AM ? 5 PM. The fair is an opportunity for departments to interact with incoming freshmen and their parents during the move-in and check-in day of orientation. Having a table at this event requires that you are set up and ready to go at 9 AM and have staff coverage throughout the day until 5 PM. This year the fair will be held in the Potomac Lounge. This is a high traffic event with 3000 freshmen and their families visiting the fair. What to do ? Please email NSP to reserve a table at the fair.

COMPONENT # 2 ? New Student Conference ? Saturday, August 30
The New Student Conference will be held on Saturday, August 30 from 11 AM ? 5 PM. Programs provided will assist and encourage students in their initial connection to the university. Some of the programs we are anticipating for Saturday, August 30 are an on-campus job fair, a study abroad info session, a session on getting involved in SGA and a session on starting a student organization. We encourage you and/or your department to consider offering a program on the August 30 date. Any program that would assist students in getting connected and involved at TU would be welcomed. Programs are welcome to use space in the University Union that day so as to allow students to take advantage of as many options as possible. In fact we have the entire Union reserved for these programs. We are also planning on offering refreshments and prizes that day to encourage students to attend. All programs should be no longer than 45 minutes so that students can attend the maximum number of events. The specific times and locations will be decided after all programs have been submitted. Some programs can be offered twice to assure maximum opportunity for student attendance. What to do ? Email program titles and short descriptions along with the name of the lead presenter.

Last year?s conference was a great success with all programs and events experiencing high student attendance. All programs of the New Student Conference will count towards completion of this year?s PICK Passport Program.

COMPONENT # 3 ? PICK Passport
This year?s PICK Passport program will begin with the New Student Conference and conclude in mid-October. Any program that you are planning in the first 6 weeks of the fall, and that focuses on helping students build competencies for success, is welcome. Students who complete the passport and turn it in to NSP are entered into drawings for substantial prizes like spring term text books and a meal plan. Please consider how you might participate.What to do ? Email program titles, time, date and location of the program, along with a short description.

What?s in it for my department? Increased attendance at events and increased contact with new students without having to do any extra advertising. All August 30 events will be included in the opening weekend schedule for new students. All fall term events will be published in a brochure given to all incoming freshmen. PICK events will also be highlighted in the September Celebration book.

Thank you for your support of new students. To participate in any of the named opportunities, please email {newstudentprograms@towson.edu}. Contact David Satterlee {dsatterlee@towson.edu} if you have any questions or concerns.